Rebekah Already On The Move

Thursday 1 March 2018

Our new Sales Manager for Victoria and Tasmania, Rebekah Smart has already been out on the field and meeting with clients all throughout Victoria. Rebekah is joined alongside our National Sales Manager, Jason Gadsden who is teaching her the ropes around our company. Rebekah is getting to know our client base and all the local re-sellers. This photograph is of Agronomist Casey Willis from Rodwell’s Sale in Gippsland (right) joined by our very own Rebekah Smart (left), one of the many clients Bek got to meet throughout the week.


If you are wanting to meet with our sales team, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

P:1300 562 182

Rebekah ( Vic & Tas ): 0432 937 468

Jason ( Brisbane ) : 0413 553 889

Brian ( Northern Queensland ): 0439 134 209