Tuesday 6 November 2018

Ongoing trials continue to prove the agronomic benefits of #Ozcal, #OzcalMag and #Ozgyp granulated soil amendments. Last week our Technical Team, Brian and Bek, attended the Strathbogie Tableland Landcare Group open day in Victoria. Around 40 local pasture farmers attended, and were shown the results of ongoing trials aimed at deciding best practice management in acidic pastures.
One of the trials involved drilling Ozcal at 100 kg/ha with pasture seed. A pH increase of 0.3 was achieved, and a clear benefit in terms of pasture vigour was observed where applied. The trial coordinators were very pleased with the results, but most of all pleased with Ozcal’s ability to amend pH in the entire row, and not just in the drill strip where it was applied. Competing granulated lime was not able to achieve the same result.
This proves Ozcal has the ability to move through the soil and amend the acidic pH evenly and efficiently.
We are pleased to work with groups that are involved with furthering knowledge and expertise in soil health, and applaud the Landcare Groups for helping our Australian farmers become resilient in the face of climate pressures.
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